The 30a Posse was joined at Howl @ the Moon by the folks from 30atelevision.com. Apparently the chance of 30 seconds of fame on TV spurred one of the largest groups ever to make their way to Grayton Beach for fun, feasting, festivities, and a fabulous sunset and moonrise!

The 30atelevision.com crew, Paul, Judy, and Julie (from the left) were joined by Jenny and Tim to make sure the recorded the events would pass the rigorous censorship requirements for local programming.

Early birds set the stage for a great Howl.

The beach begins to fill with merry revelers.

Tall Tom and Susan are heading into the crowd!

Delicious concoctions of liquid libations were enjoyed by all!

Three beauties grace the beach, helping while away the hours till moonrise.

For once Wayne is able to enjoy the party without having to take all the pictures. Joe seems a bit skeptical of the new photographer!

Steve wins the whitest teeth award, but Tom has the brightest shirt!

It looks like Redd has pulled together a quartet for "howl" practice!

Christi makes a spectacular entrance, fresh from her swim ... just in time to Howl at the moon!

The moon finally broke free from the clouds to a resounding chorus of howls.
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